Stepping Stone

“A small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.”
-Neil Armstrong

“If you don’t like to read, then you haven’t found the right book.”
-J.K. Rowling

At first, I wasn’t obsessed with books. It wasn’t my hobby. I just liked to play and watch TV. But when I watched the movie adaptation of of a certain book.

I got hooked.

It was the best movie I’ve watched. I ‘googled’ it and saw that all the books in that saga were already published. ALL of it. So for Christmas, I asked my parents for it. A few days before Christmas, I saw a gift. I already knew that my wish had been granted. When it was time to open the presents, I saved it for last. I was really happy when I saw it, held by my own hands. I even asked if i could stay up until morning to read even a few chapters. I was ecstatic.

Oh, I nearly forgot to mention the title.

It’s The Twilight Saga by Stephenie Meyer.

The Twilight Saga

I read all of it within 4-5 days.

Now I know why I wasn’t interested in reading before; I haven’t found the right book for me.

Reading Twilight was a giant leap for me. I discovered my passion for books. Now I have a collection of some sorts. Which I will share next time when I have time.

~If you can’t find me here then I’m probably off reading books or pulling my hair out while studying.~

Over and out.


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